Personal minimalist courses

by Tini

💫 Just a few of the things that are possible when you have a results-driven mini-course

Happy students. People take your course and get results. They leave testimonials and reviews that attract other people.


Clients. From stranger to client in less than 24 hours. Not only clients looking for the results your course helps with, but people interested in collaborating with you.


Showcase work and expertise. When someone wants to work with you and asks for a sample of your work, you can easily send them to one of your short courses. You grow your audience in the process, too.

💫 Pick the best idea for your next mini-course

Fun facts:

4-lesson course, takes about 10-15 minutes to navigate. There’s a video and written version of this course.


The strategy I teach in this course is available in the first lessons of my signature course The Mysterious Course Island. Showing how you can repurpose what already exists by expanding and simplifying.


The material for the course was initially released as a live training. Gathered feedback and validated the topic, then transformed into evergreen course.


And yes, I read the script when recording. People interested in results don’t care that you did not memorize the entire thing or that you were flawless or added a bunch of effects or gamification elements. I once saw this guy who had millions of views on his short video and he was reading the entire time, eyes never met the camera lens. Just to take some of the pressure away.

💫 Masterclass structure

Fun facts:

Initially hosted as a live masterclass in a Facebook group, then broken down into smaller lessons and recorded as a course.


Currently hosted on YouTube. The lessons have all been gathered in a playlist. Helps with discoverability on other platforms. Can always change where I host this, as well as whether to keep it free or make it paid.


Created a Master PDF with the structural elements for when on the go and you don’t want to watch the videos. There’s also an FAQ resource for elements that did not make sense to be in a standalone lesson or ideas that came up after the course had already been recorded.

💫 Awareness of results - written course

Fun facts:

This course is the extended version of a strategy I teach in my signature course The Mysterious Course Island. Which goes to show that you can take parts of your existing courses and expand on them to create fresh new products.


Created this course as part of a behind the scenes messenger training. Showed my process and how all the elements come together. This gives an idea of what’s involved in creating a course, as well as a sneak peek into how I think and work. Great to do especially when it’s easier to show what you do, rather than tell people what you do.


Available in written format as an article on Buy me a coffee.

💫 Clear & results-driven guest speech structure

Fun facts:

Was asked by a business coach to create a short training for their audience teaching how to deliver a clear, entertaining guest speech.


This simple video uses my signature structural elements and simplifies things. It can be used to grow lists and get people to know me, my work, my style. 


It was super fun to put together, too. You might also notice that it’s not perfect, but that’s what makes it approachable and exciting.

💫 Other reviews from past courses & classes

Fun facts:

When I created my first course, I hosted it on Udemy, which is a marketplace for courses. Those were mostly on topics like creating meal plans, shifting habits, and boosting energy. That’s how I got started..

After switching to mapping out the content for other people’s courses, I noticed my process. That’s how all my other courses were born. Courses that teach course creation, how to bring ideas to life, and structure our expertise in simple, easy to follow ways.


Hosted these other courses on my own platforms, as well as on Skillshare. At some point, though, I decided to take down most of my courses and simplify. I even took down the books I had written and published on Amazon. They were part of the journey and had already served a purpose.


The reviews I included here are from a mix of places. Either from marketplaces or my social media accounts or classes I hosted live on the topic of course creation. Just to show how people respond to keeping things simple and non-overwhelming in courses.

Want your own minimalist course extracted from your existing written content? 


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